Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Look at me
You may think you see who I really am
But you'll never know me
Every day
It's as if I play a part
now i see
If I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I cannot fool my heart
I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow I will show the world
What's inside my heart
And be loved for who I am
There's a heart that must be free to fly
That burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we all conceal
What we think
How we feel?
Must there be a secret me
I'm forced to hide?
I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

outside Lingkungan

Lingkungan ini terlihat di depan kelas ku. taman yang dipenuhi berbagai macam tanaman mulai dari jenis, bentuk, ukuran, warna yang memperindah mata yang melihatnya. Taman ini selalu dijaga dan dipelihara agar tetap asri nan indah. Taman ini juga mulai dibenahi beberapa waktu lalu. tinggal tergantung kita yang merawatnya. We should maintain and preserve the natural surroundings.